Peeling paint, clogged gutters and accumulated trash have long plagued a rundown property at 704 W. Vine St. in Lancaster. Now, the city’s stepping in.
A nearby resident alerted The Watchdog to the property’s dilapidated state last month, citing safety concerns for the neighborhood.
“Our kids as well as other neighborhood children regularly play around these units,” wrote Jonathan Weiler, a Saint Joseph Street resident whose house looks out on the rear of the West Vine Street property, which consists of multiple garages. “We are concerned about lead exposure to young children who are contacting these units.”
Many Lancaster houses built prior to 1978 have lead-based paint, and city officials confirmed the West Vine Street buildings also have lead paint.
A 2016 study in the Journal of Pediatrics found that 7.8% of Pennsylvanian children under the age of six had high blood lead levels, the second-highest proportion in the nation. In Lancaster County, the same study found 11% of children to have 5 or more micrograms of lead in their system.
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The city implemented a lead paint abatement program in 2019, which assists low- and moderate-income households with a child under the age of 6 in reducing lead hazards in their homes.
Weiler noted that most of the property’s gutters are clogged or disconnected, which could send water flowing down the street. He also expressed concern about the buildup of trash and dry leaves surrounding the property, often a dumping ground for cigarette butts and which pose a fire hazard.
Though Weiler moved into the neighborhood seven years ago, he didn’t pay notice to the neglected property until he recently began making repairs to his house. “I’ve just become more aware of how some units are not in good condition,” he said.
Weiler submitted a complaint about the property through the Fix It! Lancaster app on May 11. The city responded on May 23, stating that the Bureau of Health was reviewing his request.
The Watchdog also contacted the city about its plans to remediate the property’s issues.
“City staff are aware of this property and are working with the property owner to develop a mitigation plan,” D.J. Ramsay, communications manager for the mayor’s office, wrote.
The Watchdog combed through property records and found the likely owner of the property, who did not respond to multiple requests for comment.
Notice any problems?
Email the Lancaster Watchdog at or go to and tell us about it. You can also send mail to Lancaster Watchdog at P.O. Box 1328, Lancaster, PA 17608-1328.