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Sign posted with information at PA State Game Land 156 near Lititz Saturday, Nov. 25, 2023.


Every year, thousands of hikers and hunters will lace up their boots, put on their packs and step off one of Lancaster County’s many trailheads.  

Depending on the time of year, those who don’t hunt might experience some anxiety and confusion about where it’s safe to be, how to dress and what precautions to take for themselves and pets as they enjoy the outdoors. 

Hunting is a valuable management tool that benefits hunters and non-hunters alike through funding programs like the Pittman Robertson Act. Hunting also helps to manage wildlife populations for a balanced ecosystem, and the economics around hunting fuel local businesses. 

Still, we all want to enjoy these lands safely. Whether you’re out for a hike or a hunt, here’s what you need to know before you head into the woods of Pennsylvania.

READ: What makes Pennsylvania deer hunting so special?


What should be your first step for safety? 

Hikers, bikers, horseback riders, runners and anyone else using public lands should be aware if hunting and trapping is permitted on the land they recreate on. Most trailheads will offer a map and some tips for safety. 

One of the biggest safety measures anyone can take is wearing a blaze orange vest and hat. Blaze orange is the color used by hunters to identify objects and non-game. This will help the hunter see you and you to see hunters. 

When should you wear orange? 

A simple rule to go by is to wear orange when outside from Sept1 to Feb. 1That timeframe contains the bulk of firearms (rifle, muzzleloader and flintlock) seasons for bear, deer and elk. 

The firearms (rifle) season for antlered whitetail deer, for instance, opens the Saturday after Thanksgiving and runs for two weeks, except for Sundays. (Keep reading for information about certain exceptions to the Sunday rule.)

“It’s never a bad idea for nonhunters to wear blaze orange on public tracts where hunting is allowed,” said Travis Lau, communications director for the Pennsylvania Game Commission, in an email  

The importance of visibility and wearing orange can’t be stressed enough to non-hunters. Alejandro Zapata is a local trail runner who started using state game lands as an adult and non-hunter.  

“My first memory of interacting with a hunter while trail running was an early morning on the Horseshoe trail (State Game Lands 156),” Zapata said in a text message. The hunter flagged me down and said I should be careful running around these parts this time of year and to make sure I wore my brights.” 

READ: A deer camp not defined by hunting


How much orange do you need to wear? 

Knowing how much blaze orange to wear can be confusing. 

“Today, in seasons when orange is required, the 250-square-inch minimum applies,” Lau said. 

The 250-square-inches requirement is usually met with a blaze orange vest and hat, which are easily available online or in a local retailer that sells sporting goods. The orange must be visible on you from 360 degrees. 

“On state game lands between Nov. 15 and Dec. 15, all users – hunters and non-hunters alike – must meet the 250 square inch requirement,” Lau said. 

A violation of this rule is a fifth-degree summary offense, with a $100-$200 fine. 

Adam Eckley, chairman of the Pennsylvania chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, echoes the importance of safety for hunters, too, during hunting seasons.  

“It’s a good idea to carry an orange hat, vest, or a handkerchief with you,” said Eckley, whose organization is focused on the preservation of public lands usage. “I always carry a fluorescent orange handkerchief, no matter which season I’m hunting. 

“I can wave it in the air if I need to alert another hunter as to my presence,” Eckley said in an email. “I also don’t want to put myself in the line of fire just in case they don’t know where I am.” 

Hunters have been trained to know blaze orange is the standard color for non-game. While wearing other fluorescent colors could still help to draw attention, it would deviate from the standard and possibly cause confusion.   

How can you find out what’s in season? 

In addition to its website, the game commission offers a mobile app that can easily be referenced on your phone. The game commission’s website also has a digital and downloadable PDF versions of its Hunting and Trapping Digest that include yearly updates to rules, regulationsand what is in season. Find it at 

It's a good idea for any public land user to consult this series of resources before heading out the door during hunting season. 

READ: Here's how to legally track a deer after dark in Pa.


What should you do if you see a hunter on public land? 

Brandon Tennissenior vice president of stewardship for The Lancaster Conservancy, recommends making your presence known to others using public lands. 

“Wear blaze orange to be seen,” Tennis said in an email,and then quietly greet other people you meet outdoors, even if just with a silent wave to acknowledge one another.” 

If you see a hunter, do your best to be respectful of their space. If you can take a different trail away from them or head to a different area, the hunter will appreciate it. 

“If you’d like to avoid encountering hunters during hunting season, you can also seek places to explore that do not allow hunting,” Tennis said.You can also time your visit during midday hours, when animals and hunters are typically less active.” 

The Lancaster Conservancy offers five preserves where hunting is prohibited year-round, Tennis said. Those preserves are Conoy Wetlands Nature Preserve, Climbers Run Nature Center, Ferncliff Wildlife and Wildflower Preserve, Homewood Nature Preserve and Shiprock Woods Nature Preserve.  

How can I protect my pets? 

A hike with our furry friends is always a cherished experience.  

We ask that non-hunters stay on the marked hiking trails and keep pets on leash at all times,” Stephen LMohr Jr., senior preserves manager for The Lancaster Conservancy, said in an email.  

Purchasing an orange vest for your pooch is also highly recommended. 

What about Sundays? 

Hunting was not permitted on Sunday until recent years in Pennsylvania. There are now a few select Sundays that are open to some hunting, which can be found on the PGC website. 

It is important to note some species such as coyotes, foxes and crows,can be hunted on Sundays year-round. 

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