Eagle Disposal Garbage cans 008.jpg

Trash cans are shown on 961 Rettew Mill Road as people discuss about trash collection issue with Eagle Disposal at her home in Ephrata Friday July 14, 2023.


One Ephrata Township neighborhood went nearly a month without trash pickup last summer. Now, its residents could be a part of a class action settlement with the private company contracted to haul garbage in the municipality.

Current and former customers of Chester County-based trash hauler A.J. Blosenski can file a claim to receive refunds for irregular services over the past two years. Last year, the company merged with Eagle Disposal, which serves Ephrata Township and several other parts of Lancaster County.

The Watchdog has reported on complaints about Eagle Disposal’s service on several occasions in the past several years, most recently last summer when a resident in a mobile home community shared photos of piles of trash that built up when Eagle didn’t serve the community regularly. Soon after, more local customers started chiming in with their own negative experiences.


The settlement would affect customers from 2022 to early September who experienced missed pickups, unexpected reduced service or fuel surcharges without prior notice. Anyone who has already been reimbursed by the company cannot receive further refunds.

Settlement claims are due by Dec. 2 and can be submitted online at lanc.news/SettlementClaim, by email to Claims@AJBClassActionSettlement.com or regular mail to AJB Class Action Settlement, P.O. Box 3140, Portland, OR 97208-3410.

Current customers are eligible to receive credits to their accounts while former customers would receive refund checks. It’s unclear, though, when the money would be sent. A Nov. 25 hearing at the Chester County Court of Common Pleas will determine whether the settlement is approved.

Existing customer contracts will also expire at the end of their terms under the settlement rather than auto-renew.

All former and current customers of A.J. Blosenski and Eagle Disposal will be considered a part of the settlement unless they opt out. Customers who do not opt out of the settlement will not be able to pursue legal action for irregular service against the company on their own.

Anyone who wants to opt out of the settlement must make a written request by Friday to AJB Class Action Settlement, P.O. Box 3410, Portland, OR 97208-3410.

Waste Connections, the Texas-based parent company of A.J. Blosenski, did not immediately respond to a request for comment Monday. According to the settlement website, A.J. Blosenski denies any liability. The company will make an initial $250,000 payment to a settlement fund to cover reduced service and fuel surcharge claims.

To find further details and updates on the settlement, visit lanc.news/AJBSettlement.

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