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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What payment methods can I use? Chevron accepts credit cards, Paypal, Google Pay, and Apple Pay.

  • Who is Paddle and why are they charging me? Chevron

    Paddle is our payment processor – they are a trusted payment provider for many tools like!

  • Do you store my credit card information? Chevron

    No! We use a 3rd party payment processor called Paddle to handle credit card transactions and store your information.

  • Is there a free plan? Chevron

    You bet there is! Just sign up for free (no credit card required). You’ll automatically enter a free trial period of our favorite Pro features. Once that ends, you’ll automatically be on the free plan if you choose not to upgrade to Pro.

  • Can I get a free trial of the Pro plan? Chevron

    Every plan comes with a free, no credit card required free trial. Upon the trial’s end, you’ll be prompted to upgrade your plan or continue using the free plan.

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